Nice to meet you, my name is Elisabetta
and I am going to walk you
through the Italian language
I am an Italian teacher to foreigners both in Matera and online. I’m going to help you improve your Italian language skills through understanding and creativity,
via individual courses or in small groups.
I’m going to walk you through Italian language and culture alike, on a quest to find out about your talent and potential.
Nice to meet you, my name is Elisabetta
and I am going to walk you
through the italian language
I am an Italian teacher to foreigners both in Matera and online. I’m going to help you improve your Italian language skills through understanding and creativity, via individual courses or in small groups. I’m going to walk you through Italian language and culture alike, on a quest to find out about your talent and potential.
Here is La Piccola Scuola
A warm welcome to La piccola scuola, a real and virtual space that will be the starting point for your journey towards your best Italian.
La piccola scuola was conceived as a lively meeting place to embark on an intensive program throughout Italian language and culture;
however, it is also an online environment to begin to move, calmly and slowly, towards your language wish. Individual programs and courses are available at La piccola scuola, and there are also courses for very small groups three times a year.
This allows me to take good care of your needs. Our journey together is made of creativity and easiness,
dedication and commitment through courses meeting your real needs.
You will learn at your own pace, I’ll just follow. I’ll help you find out your language talent and put it in practice. You’ll find all the encouragement and stimulation you need to embrace your best Italian independently and methodically, even in out-of-class time.
What we can do together

Italian for foreigners in Matera
See you in Matera to open the doors of La piccola scuola for you and start your intensive program towards your best Italian.

Italian for foreigners online
See you online in case you wish to improve your Italian, throughout a steady and slow-paced program.
A couple of words on my methodology
The learning material being used is original and designed for an Italian audience as well as the customized learning resources that I personally realize, keeping in mind the targets we are aiming at.
The idea of the contemporary Italian culture I want to convey is totally free from stereotypes and biases.
I don’t talk much but I am a good listener and will let your Italian flow and become increasingly more fluent, as you find out about Italian grammar rules yourself. I’d rather dive deeper into Italian, than be shallow if this allows me to go further.
You’ll have the methodology and tools you really need to nurture your wish to keep studying and discovering the daily use of the Italian language.
Commitment and creativity will help me walk you through the right steps to achieve your targets, and your motivation will be my primary source of inspiration. I really want to convey my enthusiasm for the basics of the Italian language and eventually share the joy of using it.
The people I have met during my experience as an Italian teacher for foreigners have always been highly passionate and motivated to learn about the Italian language. I have been working with students with a good level of Italian and willing to go beyond their limits; their target is speaking Italian fluently and correctly; they are interested into a deeper knowledge of Italian grammar and culture, as a way to broaden their horizons on the whole world.
Subscribe to the
If you wish to receive an e-mail packed with Italian “things” and keep posted about the latest news on courses, please fill the form below to subscribe. By signing up, you will receive access to my free resources.

Let me introduce myself
My name is Elisabetta and I am an Italian teacher for foreigners. Why did I pick this job? Because this is my talent. How do I do it? With easiness and dedication. Are you curious to know how did I get here? –
These are my gifts for you
I really love the fact you are learning, speaking and trying to improve Italian. I’m so thankful for your passion towards my native language and culture that I decided to give out some gifts.

Other people's experiences
Write a message
Please fill the form below, I’ll get back to you as fast as possible!

- info@lapiccolascuola.it
- elisabetta@lapiccolascuola.it
- elica751
- P.I. 01298460773
Thanks to:
- 2025 La Piccola Scuola of Elisabetta Caruso